United Players Wiki

Jedi in action is a special type of United Player match where the Jedi fight the C.I.S. These matches are also called Jedi Matches.


Jedi only melee and they can use pistols to sprint. You can either play as a famous jedi or a average jedi. Average jedi either melee with bowcasters, shotguns, or blaster rifles. All jedi can use pistols for sprinting only. Famous jedi may have different weapon options then average jedi. When playing as a famous Jedi you must change your name to theirs. For example you can be Mace Windu or Mace Windu_username to represent yourself and the jedi you are playing as. 

The other team will be the battledroids who can use sniper rifles, acp repeaters, heavy repeaters, or blaster rifles. In order to make the battledroids the host must type ~ set dmgame validpawnclasses ctcharacters.battledroid. The match must always be a team deathmatch.

Famous Jedi:

Obi-wan Kenobi- Only melees with a blaster rifle.

Anakin Skywalker- Only melees with a blaster rifle.

Yoda- Only melees with a bowcaster. Constantly jumps while attacking. Must be jumping while moving. If not jumping then Yoda must be crouched.

Mace Windu- Only melees with a shot gun. 

Ashoka Tano- Only melees with a shot gun.

Qui-Gon Jin- Only melees with a bowcaster.

Quinlan Vos- Only melees with a bowcaster.

Aalya Securra- Only melees with a sniper rifle.

Shaak Ti- Only melees with a bowcaster.

Plo Koon- Only melees with a blaster rifle.

Kit Fisto- Only melees with a bowcaster.

Cin Dralling- Only melees with a aa (anti armor attachment) and constantly presses aa,ss,ww and dd while in battle.

Barris Offie- Only melees with a blaster rifle.

Ki-Adi-Mundi- Only melees with a sniper rifle.

Serra Hetto- Only melees with a blaster rifle.

Adi-Gallia- Only melees with a blaster rifle.

Stass Alie- Only melees with bowcaster.

Master Luminara Unduli- Only melees with a aa (anti armor attachment).

Game Modes

There are many different types of Jedi in Action Matches such as:

Basic Missions- During basic Jedi in Action Missions there are only two jedi against three or more droids. 

Hardcore Missions-  During these missions there can be just as many jedi as battledroids. This represents huge rare battles with jedi such as the jedi battle in star wars episode II at the geonosious arena.
